POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : "warp speed" effect : "warp speed" effect Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:24:41 EST (-0500)
  "warp speed" effect  
From: Duke Nukem
Date: 25 Feb 2000 02:08:31
Message: <vaacbsc3806nnv4vsg6shf2vb9oqkgpkag@4ax.com>

Is there an .inc file, or a bit of code I can use to create a Star
Trek-like warp speed effect? You know, how the stars stretch out into
rainbow colored streamers as the ship passes by, then contract back
into points of light. If there isn't one, I would welcome any
suggestions on how to go about creating one. Thanks in advance.

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